Today we woke up at 4:30 am to prepare for our departure to Maine. For 15 hours, Esmith, his brother Bsmith, and I were cramped in the 3-wide back seat of the Smith's van. We made a stopover for a lunch of crackers, salami, and cheese before continuing on. Just outside of Boston, we stopped at an ice cream shop for our real first burst of calories...giant ice cream cones the size of our faces. Just after 8 pm, we arrived in Acadia National Park and had a dinnner of tortellini salad with salami, olive oil, and pine nuts. Bedtime came at around 10:30 pm, which we thought was pretty early...but little did we know what the next few days would bring.
Highlights of the day: ice cream, "sparkling" conversations on the ride to Maine, and the Nightmare Before Christmas Soundtrack
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