Trying to get a place to stay after today's ride was quite a debacle. There were plenty of fire stations in the area where we were headed (originally Floridana Beach, now Vero Beach), just no one that wanted to take us in. Finally, I was able to get in touch with a nice woman (or man...gosh, at this point I can't remember) who hooked us up with the Vero Beach Fire Rescue Station 5 personnel. They had just been transplanted to a brand new station two years before because of a hurricane that came through and tore up the old place. The woman (or man)...the "individual", on the phone assured me that if a hurricane came through, that was the place to be because it was built tighter than a _____'s _____. Can't exactly display that kind of language here, but that's what they said! So we headed for Vero Veach, 74 miles down the coast, into the wind (as usual) on an extraordinarily hot day. Now, you might think "but at least it's windy, so the heat isn't as unbearable, right?" Wrong. It could be gale force coming at you, but you're still pedaling all strength, all the time. Sure, you may evaporate a drop of sweat or there, but your pores are working overtime pumping perspiration out of every possible spot. Wind + Heat + Heading South = Dead
Well, not exactly dead...but close.
So looking back on today's pictures, we had some good (and bad) events. Let's run through them...
Unique and astounding architecture: some of these homes along the sound (actually the Indian River Aquatic Reserve...which would lead me to believe it was a river...but I'm saying sound) were just incredible...the variety of architectural designs gave a great reason to slow down and just see how different each house could be from the one next to it, let alone the next 100 down the street.
Dolphins: thank god for Esmith's eagle eyes, or these guys would have gone undiscovered! We rode by a set of docks and lo and behold, a pod of dolphins! They stuck around for a little while, long enough for me to get my D80 out of my front pack and snap a few shots of some dorsal fins slicing through the calm surface of the sound. We were tempted to try to get on one of the docks and see just how friendly the dolphins would be, but arrest for trespassing was not on our list of objectives for the day.
Bike malfunction #1: remember that guy Sean that we met in North Carolina? Well, one of the stories he told us was about the pelotons (groups of bicyclists...think the Tour de France and all those cyclists) that form on the roads in Florida. Apparently, there aren't a lot of great roads to ride on, so most cyclists all tend to ride together on the same roads, forming these massive groups. Not only is it fun to join in one of these rides with your fellow enthusiasts, you can save a lot of energy through drafting. This is especially helpful when you've got 60 pounds of gear to carry, and these guys will go out of their way to suck you into the amoebic mass and do your work for crazy people like us. Well, Esmith and I had been excited about finding one of these pelotons since Sean told us about them, and today was going to be the day. The weather was getting nice and hot and were about to head out onto the coastal island with lots of traffic where a big group would be good to fight the cars and the wind. Well, we're about to head out onto the land bridge and a bolt on Esmith's rack shears right off, dropping his rack onto his tire, completely incapacitating his ride. I stop, walk the bike back, and we start to investigate the severity of the failure. And just as we surmise that some serious fixing is in order, what do we look up to see passing us but a peloton of about 40 guys on bikes. Oh, the cruel irony of life!!! Luckily, just a mile back was a bike shop (a very helpful running lady was nice enough to stop by and let us know), so we drug our bikes back to the shop and let them take care of the ordeal. 45 minutes and 10 degress Fahrenheit later, we're back on the road.
Ron Jon's Surf Shop: the plan was to stop at Ron Jon's surf shop, the original huge shop, just to see what they had. This did not work out as planned. I got there first by a few minutes, and pulled over by a bench to wait for Esmith...who, absorbed in the biking as we tended to become, shoots right past the shop, not noticing me waving frantically on the corner. I hop on my bike to try to catch up with him...but then, he's doing the same thinking that I'M ahead of him, so it's a no win situation. I don't know if I've mentioned this by this point, but Esmith's phone has been rendered useless without an electrical outlet by the downpour we rode through in northern Florida. So I just kept riding until Esmith called my cellphone from a table at McDonald's (boooo! booooo on McD's!!). Unknowingly, I'd already passed him since he had stopped, so the next 40 minutes was spent with us ricocheting back and forth, up and down the street until we finally met. Our first time getting separated on the trip...and so close to the end!!
Our first legitimately caused flat: short and sweet, my tire exploded because finally an object of worthy inflation-deadliness was able to penetrate and cause a flat.
Tortoise: I was able to snag a tortoise just as it tried to escape into the underbrush beside the sidewalk. And by "just able", I mean, stopped my bike, got my camera out, took some pictures, and got in its way as it slowly made its escape. Then more pictures and some angry hissing from the infuriated reptile.
High five plants: probably one of my top 20 coolest parts of the trip was this simple plant. Almost a weed, even; it was everywhere. But gosh darn were its big leaves great for high-fiving (see picture above). Esmith demonstrates this technique perfectly (and I'd like to mention that I stupidly took that picture while turned around while riding) I'm glad it didn't have some sort of toxin or allergic reaction causing sap, because I think we high-fived 643 of these things.
After a stellar shopping trip to CVS (not exactly), we arrived at the Fire Rescue Station. Now, THIS place had some characters. I was a little unsure how it was going to be hanging out there for the night, because they were a little ambivalent to our presence at first (just going about their daily routine), but this soon changed to hilarity and absurd conversations. The whole crew was awesome. From left to right in the picture, I think it goes like this: Emit, Esmith, Pete up top, Ray down below, Me, Lt. Wayne (or as most call him "Big Sexy" or "The Love Machine"), and Jay. It was like college hanging out with these guys. Jay, Esmith, and I were up for quite awhile exchanging stories and jokes, and just musing about life in general. I think his wife was on her last year of law school, so I hope she's coming along well, Jay!! This crew of guys were great and I'm really glad we were able to stop by and spend the evening with them. Hope you're all doing well, fellas.
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